
Please help us make a difference!

DadsFirst relies on people like you to support its efforts to reconcile fathers to their families, teach them how to establish positive relationships with their children and guide them to become servant leaders to their children, families and communities.  Won’t you consider how you can help? Learn more about how you can partner with DadsFirst to fulfill its mission and vision of service to fathers, families and communities.

There are two ways that your partnership can help

Pray. “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful in what it can achieve.” James 5:16.  This is an essential ministry.  

Give. Paul says, “Not that I am looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account.” V.17.

Please consider the following donation amounts. We need several from each category to reach our current campaign goal of $150,000.

$1,000, $500, $100 or Other.

Donations accepted via PayPal – You do not need a PayPal account to donate.

If you wish to donate by check, please make checks payable to National Fathering Ministry and send by mail to our home office at the address listed below.:

National Fathering Ministry

4900 Highway 169 north suite 303, Minneapolis, MN 55428

DadsFirst is the street name for the National Fathering Ministry. This significant ministry of reconciliation is supported by the prayers and financial gifts of churches and people who share the DadsFirst vision (God’s vision) of turning the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers.